By Jennifer Lilonsky ( | First Posted: Apr 21, 2013 01:12 PM EDT

A new study reveals that aside from a bounty of fruits and vegetables, community gardens may offer some surprising health benefits as well. 

The research, published in the American Journal of Public Health, suggests that community garden participants display a significantly lower body mass index, or BMI and a decreased risk for obesity than others not involved in the neighborly project.

"It has been shown previously that community gardens can provide a variety of social and nutritional benefits to neighborhoods," said Cathleen Zick, the study's leader and professor of family and consumer activities at the University of Utah.

"But until now, we did not have data to show a measurable health benefit for those who use the gardens."

The findings showed that female gardeners had an average 1.84-point lower BMI than their non-gardening counterparts---an 11-pound difference in weight for a 5-foot, 5-inch female, while Male gardeners displayed an average BMI that was 2.36 lower than other men who did not participate in community garden activities---a 16-pound difference for a 5-foot, 10-inch male.

Researchers analyzed the BMI ratings taken from community gardeners in Salt Lake City and divided the participants into three different control groups---neighbors with similar physical environments and economic statuses, same-sex siblings and spouses of the gardeners.

And it is just not a lower BMI that emerged from the study, gardeners also appeared to have a decreased risk for being overweight.

Researchers noted that they observed a 46 percent less chance for women and 62 percent less for men.

"These data are intriguing, although they were drawn from participants in a single community gardening organization in Salt Lake City and may not apply broadly until more research is done," Zick said. 

"However, as the percentage of Americans living in urban areas continues to grow, this initial study validates the idea that community gardens are a valuable neighborhood asset that can promote healthier living. That could be of interest to urban planners, public health officials and others focused on designing new neighborhoods and revitalizing old ones."

Zick added that the findings from this study emphasize the need for further research in regard to the benefits of gardening.

"We know obesity is costly," Zick concluded. "This study begins to shed light on the costs and benefits of the choices families make about eating and physical activity. Future research with controlled, randomized field studies across a range of communities are needed to further advance our understanding of the role gardening can play in healthy lives."