By Jennifer Lilonsky ( | First Posted: Apr 19, 2013 05:33 PM EDT

With the constant threat of a possible bird flu epidemic, many people want to know about symptoms of the illness, how to prevent it and what could cause the dangerous infection.

That is why Latinos Post researched those important questions and compiled this outline for you:

Bird Flu Symptoms

Typical signs of bird flu, or H5N1, infection are similar to those present in conventional flu cases including, cough, fever, sore throat and muscle aches.

Symptoms of the illness usually manifest within two to five days and some people may experience varying symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. And rarely, conjunctivitis-a mild eye infection-is the sole indicator of a bird flu infection.

Treatment Options

While there are antiviral drugs like amantadine and rimantadine that may be used to treat patients infected with bird flu, health officials recommend other types of medications like Tamiflu or Relenza because the virus has grown resistant.

But if medication is taken to treat the virus, it must be administered within two days after the onset of symptoms.

Is There A Vaccine Available?

One method of prevention is a vaccination that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for one strain of the H5N1 virus but that is not currently available to the general public and is designed to use on patients ages 18 to 64.

The government is stockpiling the injection in case an epidemic were to occur in the country.

But aside from the continuing research that is being done regarding bird flu vaccinations, there are other preventative measures you can take to keep yourself out of harm's way.

How You Can Prevent Avian Flu Infection

If you are traveling to Southeast Asia or any other places around the world experiencing a bird flu outbreak it is very important to avoid domesticated birds.

Avoiding rural and small farms is advised in general, as well as open-air markets.

Washing your hands is also key in bird flu prevention. Using a hand sanitizer that contains 60 percent alcohol is recommended for travel.

Another method of prevention is to talk to your doctor about getting a flu shot, which won't protect you from bird flu, but will decrease the risk for being infected with both viruses at the same time.

What Causes H5N1 Infection?

"Bird flu occurs naturally in wild waterfowl and can spread into domestic poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. The disease is transmitted via contact with an infected bird's feces, or secretions from its nose, mouth or eyes," according to the Mayo Clinic health & wellness site.

If you suspect that you are infected with bird flu after traveling to an area at high risk for the disease, it is important that you seek immediate medical attention.