By Selena Hill ( | First Posted: Mar 05, 2013 12:42 AM EST

It looks like another Bush will be making a run for the White House come 2016. 

During an interview Monday morning on NBC's "The Today Show," Former Republican Florida governor Jeb Bush announced that he won't rule out running for the nation's highest office.  

Bush, the younger brother of former President George W. Bush and son of former President George H.W. Bush, was on the morning talk show to promote his new book "Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution."

When asked if he was going to run in 2016, Bush said "that's way off in the future. I have a voice. I want to share my beliefs about how the conservative moment and the Republican Party can regain its footing, because we've lost our way."  However, when host Matt Lauer pressed him on whether he would not rule out a run for the presidency, Bush answered "I won't. But I won't declare it today either."

The two-term Governor also announced that he doesn't support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.  According to him, "Our proposal is a proposal that looks forward. And if we want to create an immigration policy that's going to work, we can't continue to make illegal immigration an easier path than legal immigration," said Bush. "I think it is important that there is a natural friction between our immigrant heritage and the rule of law. This is the right place, I think, to be in that sense. Not to take away people's rights."