By Cole Hill ( | First Posted: Jan 25, 2013 09:36 AM EST

The Sandy Hook hoax debacle continues to snowball out of control, with a second video emerging from the same filmmakers of a first conspiracy theory video that went as viral as the black plague, racking up over 11 million views on Youtube in two weeks.

The newly released "truther" video, "Sandy Hook Fully Exposed - OFFICIAL PART 2," uploaded on Jan. 19, 2013, continues the same question begging screed begun in the first video, asking why some websites related to the tragedy were seemingly created prior to the massacre, and why there was no extensive media coverage of the hundreds of children evacuating the school that day.

"This is the sequel to the viral monster 'Sandy Hook - Fully Exposed,'" the video's description reads. "We will admit it was not as polished as we would have liked. We never thought it would go viral and since the time it was made, some points have been debunked. That does not mean there is not still a ton of evidence and information not only in this video, but in future videos. Try to put a negative spin on this media!"

The filmmakers ask in the video, "With almost everyone owning a camera phone, and with everyone sharing pictures and video, where are all the clips and pictures of 600 children being evacuated and the chaos that went on all day? There should be at least a handful."

The video continues, spotlighting comments from someone claiming to be a graphic designer, who notes various issues with a photo of the Parker family, who lost a daughter - Emilie - in the shooting. Emilie Parker was "clearly" Photoshopped into a publicized family photo, the graphic designer alleges, pointing to a lack of shadow, and saying she seems "color-adjusted." He further states as evidence that she is not in a "natural position," and that her head is smaller than that of her younger sisters in the photo, suggesting she was pasted into the image.

The filmmakers further focus on the Parker family as evidence of conspiracy, showing the same footage form the first video, which shows Emilie Parker's father smiling before giving a public statement after the shooting. As he begins to make his official statement, the father starts breathing fast, and deeply, his voice wavering as he speaks and his face taking on a progressively more distressed look, some often refer to as grief.

The video claims otherwise. To draw the man into scrutiny, the filmmakers spotlight a comment made by someone known as "David, Professional Screen Actor," who states: "I can tell you as an actor, and most actors will agree with me, that is exactly how we would get into an emotional scene."

The original viral video, titled "The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed," was posted Jan. 7 to the YouTube channel ThinkOutsideTheTV. The 30-minute video assembles random assortments of news clips to draw attention to the "inconsistencies" in the media's coverage of the Sandy Hook shooting, a similar line of reasoning used by Florida professor James Tracy in the Newtown conspiracy theory he wrote on his blog,

"This is a simple, logical video. No aliens, holigrams [sic], rituals or anything like that, just facts," says the video in its first seconds.

"The video begins with something that really everybody can accept -- 'We are just raising questions,'" Benjamin Radford, author of "Media Mythmakers," told The Huffington Post. "The whole subject is framed like, 'Don't look at us, we're not saying this crazy stuff, we're just asking questions.'"

Of course, that's exactly what the video is: Questions, and nothing more.

"All they offer are tantalizing 'could be's," Radford said.

"The classic conspiracy theorist sees the hidden hand in everything. Nothing is as it seems. There's something bigger that's going on. They dont know where it is, but they are willing to tantalize people and throw out any number of suggestions, which are oftentimes contradictory," he said.

Some of the questions raised in the first video:

How did Adam Lanza's AR-15 rifle get locked in his trunk? (This was later proven by authorities to be an extra shotgun)

Were the grieving Newtown citizens really just "crisis actors"? (Some "truthers" targeted hero Gene Rosen as the prime example due Rosen sharing a name with an actor registered with the Screen Actors Guild. Rosen is actually a 69-year-old retired psychologist; the SAG member "truthers" have mistaken him for is 62-years-old)

Why were memorial websites seemingly set up before the shooting occurred on Dec. 14? ("Google search result entries are imprecise and do not always accurately reflect the date on which the reference material first appeared on the web," notes David Mikkelson on myth debunking site Snopes).

Victims' parents didn't express the proper level of grief (Not really a question as much as it is unsubstantiated conjecture based on contextual media coverage and news editing).

"What I think we are looking at in the video is an attempt to find evidence to fit a preexisting narrative, that the government is or is quickly becoming a tyranny and that the only thing stopping the government from terrorizing the nation is that the populace is armed," Robert Blaskiewicz, writer for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, said in an email to the Huffington Post.

The end of "Pt.2" promises another video from the filmmakers "ASAP." 

Pt. 2

Pt. 1