By James Paladino/ ( | First Posted: Jan 24, 2013 11:32 AM EST

'Captain Scarlett and Her Pirates Booty,' 'Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage,' and 'Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt' have come and gone, but there has been no sign of a level cap increase for faithful Borderlands 2 fans. Well, that's about to change in March, according to Gearbox Software producer James Lopez.

"We do have one planned, and it will be for quite a few levels, which will allow you to play for quite a bit longer," explains Lopez. "We wanted to give enough time to get at least one level 50 in there, and then see from there how many people are doing this....We also didn't want to wait so long that people were no longer interested, or felt like it wasn't coming."

So how is Gearbox collecting data to figure out the right time? The producer notes that the developer is using the SHiFT system, which plugs into players' games and "rewards fans...with additional in-game items for Borderlands 2" while at the same time gathering information about their progress in the single player campaign.

Lopez adds, "With 'Borderlands 1' we had to go by forum posts, and by checking out the number of times certain achievements had been unlocked to really get an idea of where players were. But SHiFT allows us to see a lot more about the way players are playing the game, and see what they're doing."

In the meantime, each respective DLC pack can be purchased for $9.99, or with a Season Pass bundle at $29.99. Check back with Latinos Post for updates on the level cap increase and the final Borderlands 2 DLC for the current season.