By I-Hsien Sherwood | ( | First Posted: Jan 21, 2013 05:40 PM EST

Dear readers, I'm a bit disappointed in some of you.

We recently ran a story on the debunking of the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory video by the anti-hoax site, and the response was both bewildering and frustrating.

"Perhaps snopes should do some digging into the TRUTH," commented Brandx.

Wait, what?

Yes, the vast majority of the comments we received are from people who seem to actually believe there is some kind of government conspiracy behind the tragic massacre of 20 schoolchildren and 6 teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School last year.

Of course, most of the people who read the story didn't comment, so a self-selection process is at work. Why comment simply to agree?

Still it's difficult to fathom why anyone would still believe a video (and a theory) so obviously false.

"Snoops you must be a arm of Obama's administration. For us to believe, we need pictures, security videos, etc. The public has nothing!! It's time for our government to be forthcoming!!" wrote GimmyTruth.

The federal government definitely isn't as transparent as it could be, but there are plenty of photos and forensic evidence and witnesses. Journalists from across the country descended on Newtown, Conn., and none of them reported anything more than a horrific and senseless tragedy. Oh, and there are twenty families with dead children! What more proof could you want?

"The key to knowing it is a hoax is Rosen," said gipgop. "His story is swiss cheese, full of holes. He went through absolutely no trauma, and suddenly when the cameras are on him he can't keep it together." Our reader here is referring to Gene Rosen, one of the heroes of the tragedy, who sheltered six students who escaped from the school. No trauma? Rosen has spoken of the anguish he feels at not being able to do more, and of the threatening messages he receives from people like gipgop.

"Your nothing but fcc propaganda pushing liaers," writes Paureveer. "you shouldent fear crime you should fear the powers that be strip us of our guns and we become slaves we are a people governed nation only because we have fire power to defend against tyranny." I'd be more afraid of being a slave to ignorance, as that might lead me to believe unfounded conspiracy theories.

"Anyone else find it a tad odd how suddenly this morning any google search on the subject brings up nothing but EXPERTS Debunk SH Conspiracy?" wrote SupernaturalCat. Yes, odd, just like how searches for the moon landing tend not to turn up results claiming it was faked. Because it wasn't. The media is far from infallible, but it tends to report the truth.

The only reasonable voice in all the comments was Karen Stone, who said, "If you want 'proof', trot your lazy butt over and pull the public records.  If these people are all 'actors', why are there easy to obtain documents idicating they've lived in the community for years (except for the Parkers, who moved there in 2012).  If it's a conspiracy, it's a hell of a well planned one since Dr. Rosen has lived in that house since 1989.    Try a little critical thinkg while you're a it.  There's not a damn thing in that 'Conspiray theory' video that can't  be readily explained.  Idiots."

A bit hostile, but well put.

Readers, weigh in. Don't let the crazies speak the loudest and the longest.